Then I woke up on someone else’s couch. I think I spent ten full minutes glorying in the fact that I hadn’t been hacked apart by drug dealers. It’s an exhilarating feeling, not being hacked apart by drug dealers. Makes you feel alive.
Thing is, I'm one of those nutbars people who believe in things my dad might refer to as “New-Agey voodoo crap.” I even keep a dream diary YEAH. I’M ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. I’m usually very present and involved in my dreams, which mean I tend to remember them vividly. So strangely complicated dreams unnerve me- little details somehow seem extra-important, and I end up feeling like there’s something I’m missing out on, like a warning or a useful bit of insight. Still, I haven’t really put a lot of effort or thought into dream analysis- I mainly keep the dream diary because of how useful it is for creative writing- so I’m taking the “ignorance is bliss” approach to this. That seems the smartest thing to do, right?
In other news, I started running again. Not very far or fast, and probably with the worst technique since that Friends episode where Rachael tries to take Phoebe running with her, but I’m giving myself a unicorn sticker and a bunch of sparkly eye shadow for effort.
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