Tuesday, November 11, 2014

4:20 AM, and I'm only writing this to myself, I swear.

Hooray! I found my blog, and it let me back in. Blah blah I'm so awful at blogging blah me me me. I'm not sorry. I'm a terrible writer, in most senses of the word. But- I have things to say that are worth the exercise of writing them down, and I swear none of them are very important. 

I'm going to re-do this blog thing. I used to be terrified to post anything online that wasn't significant and meaningful and hilariously witty. Let's pretend I ran out of all that shit to say, and now I'm going to talk about boring things in a boring way and maybe bitch about things in my life that suck, and probably give myself verbal high-fives when something I do goes mostly like I meant it to. I'm not going to try and write a certain number of posts per week, because I already hold myself to pretty high standards and I don't need any more personal disappointment. I might post pictures, if they're of me and if they look like someone hot from the internet. 

I'm a vain motherfucker. 

I'm also sort of a different person than the one who blogged here before. You'll see.

You, blog. Because even though I'd like to think the entire internet will read this and see how very deep I've become and will want to be my very best friend, it's probably better they don't. For one thing, I'm terrible at keeping friends. My ex-friends know this. There are an awful lot of them. Because I'm a good person. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

That moment when...

I've added two resolutions for this year. I can't remember what brought them on- various substances bring various mind states, and various degrees of self-realization- but just after I realized how much clarity a well-timed cigarette can bring, I had some pretty clear thoughts. 

1. Find someone whom I can relate to, at my worst. I need to know who my people are, no matter how embarrassing, shameful, or downright terrifying they might be. 

2. Buy a goddamned fucking watch. And never take it off.